New priemiere next Tuesday: "A Vogn Shikh" for mixed choir and chamber orchestra

"A Vogn Shikh" for mixed choir and chamer orchestra.  Based on a poem by a poet from Vilnius Ghetto Avram Sutzkever "A Vogn Shikch" ("A Wagon of Shoes"). Performers: Vilnius municipal choir "Jauna Muzika", St. Christopher chamber orchestra, conducted by Amaury du Closel. Special thanks to Rafailas Karpis for introducing me to the poetry of A. Sutzkever. Venue: church of st. Catherine, Vilnius, 7.00 pm. For more info on the event, press here.

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"Littoral Hymns" (Pamario giesmės - lith.) - jazz oratorio

"Littoral Hymns" (Pamario giesmės - lith.) - jazz oratorio for jazz ensemble, mixed choir, children choir and symphony orchestra is about to be premiered open air on August the 1st 2017 in Klaipeda Theatre Square, at 10 pm.

Conductor: Vladimiras Konstantinovas

Performers: Kęstutis Vaiginis (s. t. sax), Mindaugas Vadoklis (tp), Motiejus Bazaras (keyb.), Mykolas Bazaras (bass), Benediktas Bazaras (dr); mixed choir "Brevis"; Kaunas Symphony Orchestra and others.



"Two Pigeons" performed by Lithuanian National Symphony orchsetra in Vilnius filharmonic hall

"Two Pigeons" performed by Lithuanian National Symphony orchsetra, folk group "OIntakas" and jazz vocal group "Jazz Island" in Vilnius filharmonic hall, condusted by Modestras Pitrenas. This was a part of the celebration of Lithuanian independence day - February the 16th.


from lef to right: A. Navakas, J. Jurkunas, A. Martinaitis, A. Klova, M. Pitrenas, R. Pruseviciene, R. Ambrazevicius, Z. Bruzaite, V. Umbrasas, R. Mazulis, G. Simulaitis, A. Novikas

Complete Collection of Schoenberg's Tone Rows

140th aniversary of Arnold Schoenberg. "Complete Collection of Schoemberg's Tone Rows" - for choir, electric organ and tape. Joint creation with Antanas Kucinskas. First performance in Vilnius' V. Kasiulis art museum, 2014, October 16, as part of the international musicological conference “Modernisation in the Music of Eastern Europe (1900–1940): The Perspective of Paratactic Comparativism”.